Wednesday, 16 July 2014

10 Kata-Kata Paling Lawak Samy Vellu. #10 Paling Lawak Sampai Ketawa Pecah Perut

10 Kata-Kata Paling Lawak Samy Vellu. #10 Paling Lawak Sampai Ketawa Pecah Perut | Petikan-petikan anda baca di bawah adalah semua berdasarkan sumber yang sahih dan artikel adalah bertujuan hiburan sahaja semata-mata. Jika anda mudah tersinggung atau keliru, adalah lebih baik anda baca artikel lain.
1. Samy Vellu pada Pos Laju Malaysia – “Besok Kirim, Hari ini sampai”
2. Samy Vellu bercakap mengenai kehormatan beliau – “Ini perkara banyak memalukan saya. Sebenarnya, Kemaluan saya sangat sangat BESAR”
3. Samy Vellu bercakap mengenai dadah – “Orang orang mude sekarang banyak suka hisap dade”
4. Samy beri ceramah – “Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orang-orang kampung di sini. Salah seorang penduduk bertanya; Tapi Datuk, sini tak ade sungai, buat apa bina jambatan? Samy dengan bangganya membalas, Kalau tak ade sungai, kita bina sungai”
5. Samy’s di berita nasional – “Toll naik sikit, marah sama saya. You ingat ini semua toll saya punya bapak punya kah?!”
6. Semasa krisis air berlaku – “Semua orang diminta jangan membuang aiyeer”
7. Semasa derma darah di Sungai Siput – “Marilah kita semua menderma dara”
8. Semasa pembukaan acara di suatu ceramah – “Selamat datang saudara mara semua” sepatutnya saudara-saudari
9. Semasa pembukaan acara 2# – “Mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik ke pentas untuk membuka kain”
10. Paling lawak antara semuanya – “Bagi saya, ini adalah satu pembaziran atas duit rakyat. Kita sepatutnya tidak hantar mereka ke bulan, tapi hantar mereka pergi ke MATAHARI! Barulah USA dan Russia respect sama kita!
Pemberita membalas – “Tapi Datuk Seri, matahari kan panas, macam mana mahu pergi?”
Samy Vellu balas – “Itu pasal you takda jadi menteri, saya sudah 30 tahun jadi menteri, mesti ada penyelesaian. Kita jangan pergi siang, banyak panas. Kita pergi malam baru ada sejuk!

Antara 10 syarat yang ditetapkan Hamas untuk Gencatan Senjata;

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Antara 10 syarat yang ditetapkan Hamas untuk Gencatan Senjata;
1- Memberhentikan serta-merta peperangan antara kedua-dua belah pihak dan pengunduran kereta-kereta kebal Israel ke pangkalannya serta mengembalikan kawasan-kawasan perbatasan kuning yang digariskan sebelum ini serta tanah pertanian juga membenarkan para petani Palestin untuk bekerja di tanah-tanah pertanian mereka.
2- Membebaskan semua rakyat-rakyat Palestin yang ditangkap sejak 23 Jun 2014 juga jaminan kebajikan mereka khususnya tahanan dari Jerusalem, Gaza dan rakyat Palestin dalam(rakyat palestin yang tinggal dalam Israel).
3- Membuka kepungan ke atas Gaza secara total serta laluan-laluan sempadan untuk laluan barangan-barangan serta individu dan laluan untuk kemasukan semua bahan-bahan mentah seperti makanan dan bahan-bahan binaan serta membina stesen jana elektrik yang cukup untuk semua keperluan Semenanjung Gaza.
4- Pembangunan semula pelabuhan laut antarabangsa dan lapangan terbang antarabangsa yang diselia oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan negara-negara berkecuali.
5- Perluasan kawasan penangkapan ikan bagi nelayan sehingga 10km dari persisir pantai Gaza serta menyediakan para nelayan dengan kapal-kapal nelayan dan muatan/kargo besar.
6- Menjadikan laluan Rafah sebagai laluan antarabangsa yang diselia oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), negara-negara Arab dan negara atas kerjasama.
7- Penandatanganan untuk gencatan senjata bagi tempoh 10 tahun serta menempatkan pengawal-pengawal antarabangsa di setiap sempadan.
8- Jaminan dari pihak Israel untuk tidak menceroboh ruang udara Palestin serta memudahkan mereka yang ingin menunaikan solat di Masjid Al-Aqsa.
9- Israel tidak dibenarkan masuk campur dalam urusan kerajaan Palestin mahupun dalam pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan Palestin.
10- Pembinaan semula kawasan-kawasan perindustrian di sempadan serta jaminan keselamatannya dan kemajuannya.
Jabatan Media Hamas
Terjemahan oleh;
Aman Palestin

Monday, 14 July 2014

cara menunjuk...

tengok...camana kita terpedaya...

~ copy paste ~
Selama ni sy igt lambang A sopan. rupanya bukan.
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Hari ini saya nak kongsikan kisah daripada ustaz saya. Kisahnya begini. Ketika ustaz berada di tingkatan 3 kalau tidak silap saya, dia bersekolah di sekolah maahad @ pondok. (saya tak berapa ingat). Pada ketika itu, kerajaan memberikan sumbangan buku yang banyak. Ustaz belek-beleklah buku yang ada di situ. Dalam leka membelek buku-buku yang ada di situ, ustaz terjumpa sebuah buku yang tajuknya lebih kurang ’20 amalan sunnah yang telah dilupakan’. Nampak menarik. Ustaz pun baca. Alangkah terkejutnya ustaz apabila buku itu mengatakan lambang A itu adalah sunnah Yahudi. Terus ustaz saya simpan soalan ini dalam otak untuk bertanyakan kepada mereka yang alim.
Ditakdirkan Allah, ustaz dapat menyambung pelajaran di Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir. Pada malam itu, selepas habis pengajian daripada syeikh (saya tak ingat namanya siapa) di situ, ustaz mengambil peluang untuk bertanyakan soalan itu kepada syeikh yang mengajar tadi. Dilihat syeikh bersama Syeikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi sedang duduk bersembang. Ustaz meminta kebenaran dan syeikh itu memberi kebenaran.
“Syeikh, apa hukum kalau kita buat begini? (sambil membuat lambang A)”
Syeikh menepis tangan ustaz saya. Syeikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi terkejut.
“Biadap kamu.” kata syeikh itu sambil menuding tangan kepada ustaz saya.
“Kenapa syeikh? Kalau diikutkan kebiasaan orang Malaysia, kalau kami nak menunjukkan sesuatu, macam itulah yang kami guna.”
Syeikh menggeleng kepala. “Kalau kamu nak tau, itulah amalan Yahudi yang telah di ajarkan kepada kamu, warga Malaysia. Yahudi tidak akan boleh duduk senang selagi mana kamu tidak mengikut mereka. Jadi ini adalah tugas kamu untuk beritahukan hal ini kepada penduduk Malaysia.” ujar syeikh.
“Jadi, macam mana kami nak tukar daripada menggunakan lambang A itu?”
“Kamu gunakanlah begini, (sambil menunjukkan seperti lambang . Itulah sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w.”
Ustaz mengangguk dan beredar.
Harapnya atas perkongsian saya yang tidak seberapa itu dapat memberikan pencerahan kepada anda semua. Sebabnya kita sekarang kalau nak tunjukkan sesuatu menggunakan lambang B, orang kata kita ni biadap. Dah terbalik, sunnah Rasulullah dikatakan biadap, sunnah Yahudi kita kata baik.
Moga dapat dikongsikan kepada rakan-rakan yang lain. Perkara ini penting untuk saya sampaikan. Takutnya kita di Padang Mahsyar nanti kita terlepas daripada syafaat Rasulullah hanya disebabkan kita tidak sebarkan perkara yang besar ini kepada orang lain.

Sebar-sebarkanlah. Moga dirimu mendapat keredhaan daripada Allah

Sunday, 13 July 2014

How to Change a Distributor Cap and Rotor Read more :


    • 1
      Open the hood. Locate the distributor. It may help to have a shop manual for your particular make and model of car, but this is generally an easy part to find since it has all of the spark plug wires coming out of it and running to the engine's spark plugs.
    • 2
      Remove the distributor cap without pulling the spark plug wires off. You can remove the plug wires if you want to, but be sure and label them as well as the distributor cap itself with a marker and a piece of tape so that the firing order of the motor is not disturbed. The cap may be fastened on in a couple of ways. Many caps have hinged clips fastened to the distributor itself that hold the cap on. These can be popped off by hand or with a flat head screwdriver. The cap may also be bolted on, in which case locate the bolts (or screws) and remove them with a socket or a screwdriver.
    • 3
      Remove the rotor located under the distributor cap. The rotor is a plastic component that slides onto the distributor shaft. On many cars the rotor is removed by simply pulling straight up from the distributor shaft. More modern cars may have a small bolt or screw that holds the rotor in place and will need to be removed before the rotor can be pulled off.
    • 4
      Slide the new rotor onto the distributor shaft in the reverse of removal by pressing it down onto the shaft. The rotor will have an indentation in it that ensures proper alignment with the shaft of the distributor. Reinstall the bolt or screw that holds the rotor in place if applicable.
    • 5
      Transfer the spark plug wires from the old distributor cap to the new cap one at a time to avoid mixing up the timing order. When you remove the plug wires, pull them up from the base where they slide onto the cap and not from the wire itself to avoid damaging them.
    • 6
      Reinstall the distributor cap in the same orientation that the old cap was installed. The cap will only go on one way that allows the clips or bolts to be properly fastened. Start the motor to ensure that it is running correctly and firing on all cylinders.

Read more :

The ignition coil, a vital component of any vehicle's ignition system, is responsible for providing electricity to the spark plugs. When a vehicle will not start, misses often or stalls frequently, its ignition coil may need replacement. Luckily, a relatively quick, simple test can determine whether the ignition coil is functioning properly and thus whether a trip to the auto parts store or mechanic's garage is warranted. See Step 1 below to get started!

Method 1 of 2: Performing an Ignition Coil Spark Test

  1. Test an Ignition Coil Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Turn the vehicle off and open the hood. As with most types of vehicular maintenance, you'll want to begin the test with the vehicle in park and with the engine off. Open the hood to locate the ignition coil. Though its precise location may vary from vehicle to vehicle, generally, it is located near the fender or starter or under the distributor cap. Note that in vehicles without a distributor, the spark plugs will be connected directly to the coil.
    • One sure-fire way to find the ignition coil is to locate the distributor and follow the wire that does not connect to any spark plug.
    • Before beginning, it's very wise to ensure you're wearing safety goggles or other eye protection and that you have access to insulated tools (especially pliers) to protect from electric shock.
  2. Test an Ignition Coil Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Remove one spark plug wire from its plug. Next, remove one of the spark plugs' wires from the plug itself. Usually, these wires run from the distributor cap to each of the spark plugs individually. To prevent injury, be very careful when working with your vehicle's electrical system - use gloves and insulated tools at all times.
    • If your vehicle has been running for a while, its internal components are likely to be very hot. If so, give your chance a vehicle to cool down for 5-10 minutes before taking this initial step.
  3. Test an Ignition Coil Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Remove the spark plug using a spark plug socket. Once you've removed the spark plug wire, remove the spark plug itself. This is easiest with a specialized socket wrench called a spark plug socket.
    • From this point forward, be careful not to let anything drop into the empty hole left where your spark plug was. Leaving debris in this hole can cause damage to the engine as the vehicle runs and, since removing anything from this hole can be a big pain, it's best to take preventative care to ensure nothing of the sort happens.
  4. Test an Ignition Coil Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Attach the spark plug back to the spark plug wire. Now, carefully reattach the spark plug to its wire. You should be left with a spark plug that's connected to the distributor but not seated in its "hole". Handle the spark plug with insulated pliers to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
  5. Test an Ignition Coil Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Touch the threaded portion of the spark plug to any exposed metal in the engine. Next, maneuver your spark plug (wire still attached) so that the threaded "head" of the plug is touching some metal part of the engine. This can be virtually any sturdy metal part of the engine block - even the engine itself.
    • Again, hold the spark plug carefully with insulated pliers (and, if possible, gloves). Don't risk electric shock in the next few steps by neglecting this simple safety measure.
  6. Test an Ignition Coil Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    Have a friend "crank" the engine. Get a friend or assistant to turn the key in the vehicle's ignition. This will provide power to the car's electrical system and, thus, to the spark plug you're holding (assuming your ignition coil is working)
  7. Test an Ignition Coil Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Look for blue sparks. If your ignition coil is working properly, when your friend cranks the engine, you should see a bright blue spark jump across the spark plug gap. This spark will be clearly visible in the daylight. If you don't see a blue spark, your ignition coil is probably malfunctioning and needs replacement.
    • Orange sparks are a bad sign. These mean that the ignition coil is supplying insufficient electricity to the spark plug (this can be for any number of reasons, including cracked coil casings, "weak" current, faulty connections, etc.).
    • The final possibility you may observe is that no spark occurs. This is usually a sign that either the ignition coil is completely "dead", that one or more electrical connections are faulty, or that you've done something wrong in your test.
  8. Test an Ignition Coil Step 8.jpg
    Carefully re-install the spark plug and re-connect its wire. When you've concluded your test, ensure the vehicle is turned off before essentially repeating the preparatory steps above in reverse order. Disconnect the spark plug from its wire, re-insert it into its hole, and re-connect the wire.
    • Congratulations! You've completed your ignition coil test!

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