Saturday 7 June 2014

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Thursday 5 June 2014



DSC 0078

PENANG, 21 May 2013 - The success of a group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in producing a kit for detecting the presence of porcine DNA in meat or processed foods is believed to be able to benefit the country's halal industry.
Lead researcher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tang Thean Hock said that the latest innovation which is known as Porcine DNA Detection Kit is able to detect the presence of porcine constituents in food through the multiplex PCR technique within a period of not more than 11 hours.
According to him, multiplex PCR is a technique that is able to multiply the number of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences in order to detect the porcine presence and it produces results that are highly accurate, precise, sensitive and specific.
“This kit also has other advantages, including a much cheaper production cost compared to the market price, having internal control test as a quality control for reliable test results and it serves as a 2-in-1 kit.
“This means that apart from obtaining accurate results, a test using this kit also includes a simple and dependable method of DNA extraction that is not available in existing products in the market,” he said.
He said this at a special press conference to introduce USM research products, chaired by Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Prof. Muhamad Jantan here today.
Tang also emphasised that the product which was developed with two other researchers, Siti Aminah Ahmed and Lee Li Pin, is estimated to be produced at a cost as low as RM500 to test up to 50 samples.
“This Porcine DNA Detection Kit is suitable to be used by the halal certification agency and food inspection agencies such as Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) and other similar agencies around the world,” he said.
He added that this innovation that won a gold medal in the 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2013) is also able to reduce operating costs in the halal certification process currently used by the authorities.
“The authorities usually send a sample to the chemistry department to be tested using the mass spectrometer which operates basing on chemical tests which is far more expensive. However, this kit that we are working on, is based on biological tests and it can save cost,” he said.
Commenting on the measures taken to commercialise the product, he said that until now there are some authorities in the industry who have expressed their desire to collaborate but all of them are still in the discussion stage. - Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa/Translation: Yong Check Yoon

Porcine DNA Detection (Halal Test)

Porcine DNA Detection (Halal Test)

Halal logo
Halal-based industries especially in food sector have been expanding rapidly in the global market. Not only in Muslim countries, developing non-Muslim countries are now giving priority to Halal-Certified products due to quality and safety aspects. Thus, Halal testing is no longer solely a religious concern.
Testing and certification of Halal products is improving due to the growing demands and role. There are various detection method of pork contamination available in the market. Rapid immunoassay tests are convenient and inexpensive, however the trade-off is the sensitivity and accuracy. Culture plates are accurate and reliable but also require longer process time. Thus, PCR and qPCR is by far the best option in terms of specificity, sensitivity and speed.

PKL PorcineTrace PCR kit enables detection of porcine DNA down to 5pg of porcine DNA traces in food products within approximately 3-4 hours (excluding DNA extraction process) to result analysis. The test is based on conventional PCR triplex plateform which amplifies a porcine specific gene together with an external amplification control and a universal vertebrate gene as internal control. The test has been optimized to favour porcine DNA amplification. This test has been validated for specificity to porcine DNA.
Porcine Trace
Product insert available here:

In line with the above product, we have also introduced the PKL Porcine qPCR Detection kit which utilizes a real time approach and fluorescence-based PCR method. We employed the dual-labeled probe method of detection, i.e. Taqman(R) probe in the kit which increases its specificity.

Health Ministry searching for officer who leaked report on porcine DNA

Health Ministry searching for officer who leaked report on porcine DNA

KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry is on the search for the officer who leaked the preliminary report on the testing of chocolates that purportedly contained porcine DNA.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said investigations were under way and could take several weeks to complete.
“The unsanctioned results came out on social media before we could verify them again. Normally, if we find something we will verify and re-test it. In this case, the initial results came out first without being double-checked. The person jumped the gun,” he said after opening the Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia (APHM) 22nd international health conference yesterday.
Action, he said, would be taken against those who failed to abide by the rules and standard operating procedures.
The ministry, he said, conducted the initial testing in February on market samples and the news leaked out in May.
“The re-testing should have been done within a week. It should not have taken this long,” said Dr Hilmi, who discounted elements of sabotage.
The ministry in an official statement said previously that traces of porcine DNA were found in samples of Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut (batch number: 200813M01H I2; expiry on Nov 13, 2014) and Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond (batch number: 221013N01R I1; expiry on Jan 15, 2015).
Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Datuk Seri Dr Jamil Khir Baharom said on Monday that they had tested the two samples of chocolates and deemed it halal as no porcine DNA were found.
Dr Jamil said the 11 samples were brought in straight from the factory and reportedly said that samples tested by the ministry could have been contaminated as they did not come straight from the factory.
Dr Hilmi acknowledged that contamination could have occurred and said halalmatters would be handled by Jakim from now on and the ministry would no longer make such announcements.
Cadbury Malaysia reaffirmed in a press statement yesterday that the chocolates made and sold by the company in Malaysia are halal.
Mondelez Malaysia managing director Sunil Sethi said Cadbury was happy to confirm what it believed all along and that nothing was more important than customers’ trust.
“We will now focus on spreading joy which is at the heart of everything we do at Cadbury.
“We are grateful to the relevant authorities for clearing up the air and ensuring that future abnormalities in their test results will be verified internally before making them public,” said Sunil and added that all Cadbury products were manufactured and sold according to Malaysian Islamic Development Department guidelines and it understood the importance of ensuring that the cultural and religious interests of all Malaysians were met.

Hudud punca kekalahan DAP di Teluk Intan?

Hudud punca kekalahan DAP di Teluk Intan?

ULASAN Selepas kematian mendiang YB Seah Leong Peng akibat daripada penyakit kanser yang dihadapinya, negara sekali lagi berdepan dengan satu lagi Pilihanraya Kecil di Parlimen Teluk Intan.

Sebelum itu mendiang menewaskan Presiden Gerakan Datuk Mah Siew Keong pada PRU 13 yang lalu dengan majoriti 7,313. Namun dalam PRK Teluk Intan, calon DAP Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud tewas kepada Mah dengan majoriti 238 undi.

Sejurus itu, seorang demi seorang pimpinan DAP mula menyalahkan PAS dengan mengatakan isu hudud adalah punca kekalahan mereka. Antaranya adalah Sdr Kim Quek dan YB Gobind Singh Deo.

Dalam artikel YB Gobind Singh Deo semalam beliau menulis "I am of the view that the controversy around the implementation of hudud by PAS contributed significantly to our loss in Teluk Intan." bermaksud "Saya berpandangan bahawa kontroversi yang meliputi perlaksanaan hudud oleh PAS menjadi penyumbang besar kepada kekalahan kami di Teluk Intan".

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa “This could have resulted in a silent protest vote against Pakatan Rakyat”,  bermaksud "Ini mungkin telah menyumbang kepada undi protes senyap terhadap Pakatan Rakyat"

Setelah saya analisa keputusan PRK Teluk Intan yang lepas saya bersetuju bahawa undi non-Muslim kepada DAP berkurangan 25 peratus dan ianya adalah penurunan yang besar memandangkan prestasi cemerlang DAP di dalam PRU 13.

Namun adakah YB Gobind sedar bahawa kenyataan menuduh hudud sebagai punca utama tanpa satu kajian terperinci adalah sangat tidak cerdik dan dangkal.

Untuk pengetahuan YB Gobind, kajian oleh Dr Ngreng Miang Hong dari UCSI Poll Research Center mendapati hanya 12 peratus responden dari kumpulan pengundi Cina yang mengambil berat akan isu perlaksanaan hudud yang dicadangkan ole Kerajaan Negeri PAS Kelantan.

Ini bermakna sebelum PRK lagi terdapat dapatan bahawa DAP tidak akan menghadapi sebarang masalah dengan isu hudud.

Ia juga dapat dilihat apabila keputusan PRK Bukit Gelugor, calon DAP Ram Karpal berjaya mengekalkan kerusi dengan majoriti 37,659 meskipun peratusan keluar mengundi hanya 56.27 peratus.

Sedangkan mendiang Karpal Singh menang dengan majoriti 41,778 walaupun peratusan keluar mengundi adalah 86.30 peratus. Ini menunjukkan bahawa tiada kesan hudud ke atas PRK Bukit Gelugor.

Bagaimana pula PRK Teluk Intan boleh terkesan dengan isu hudud walaupun calon mereka awal-awal lagi telah mengisytiharkan tidak akan menyokong hudud sekiranya menang?

YB Gobind juga perlu membaca pengakuan oleh YB Tony Pua dalam artikel "Teluk Intan: A Battle Lost, but A War to be Won" di mana beliau telah menyatakan bahawa Teluk Intan tidak semudah seperti Bukit Gelugor.

Mereka juga telah di maklumkan oleh akar umbi DAP bahawa ramai pengundi Cina yang akan mengundi BN pada kali ini. Mereka mengundi DAP untuk "UBAH" namun selepas PRU 13 tidak banyak perubahan yang berlaku.

DAP perlu mengkaji pendapat ini dengan lebih mendalam. Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh sebilangan pengundi Teluk Intan dengan tiada perubahan?

Untuk makluman YB Gobind, pertembungan fraksi juga dikata punca berlaku boikot oleh sebilangan pengundi. Jika dilihat keputusan PRK Teluk Intan, undi yang diperolehi Datuk Mah ketika PRU 13 dan PRK adalah hampir sama.

Namun undi yang diperolehi oleh DAP turun 7,480 undi. Jadi 'swing' dari DAP ke BN tidaklah begitu ketara. Adakah terdapat boikot secara senyap oleh fraksi-fraksi yang tidak bersetuju dengan pencalonan Dyana Sofya?

Atau adakah terdapat pengundi yang tidak bersetuju dengan calon selepas mengetahui ibunya adalah ahli pertubuhan Perkasa yang mendapat kecaman kuat oleh masyarakat Tiong Hua?

Sudah tentu keputusan PRK Teluk Intan sangat membimbangkan DAP kerana menuju ke PRU 14 mereka perlu mengekalkan prestasi yang tinggi.

Namun isyarat kejatuhan sudah mula kelihatan dan ia perlu ditangani segera. Segala persoalan di atas memerlukan kajian yang mendalam dan punca sebenar kekalahan perlu dikenal pasti agar prestasi hambar ini dapat di atasi dalam mana-mana PRK dan PRU 14 yang akan datang.

Nasihat saya kepada pimpinan DAP terutamanya YB Gobind Singh Deo; berhentilah menembak PAS agar kelemahan DAP dapat ditutup.

Kalaulah DAP merasakan dengan menyalahkan PAS akan menutup kelemahan dalaman DAP, maka mereka silap kerana ia sebenarnya membuka lebih luas pintu kejatuhan DAP.

NURUL ISLAM MOHAMED YUSOFF adalah Timbalan Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan

Jangan Kambing hitamkan Hudud.

1. Yb. Gobind tidak wajar mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian. Kelihatan angkuh dan tidak menerima hakikat. Ia turut melukakan perasaan pimpinan dan ahli PAS yang bekerja keras membantu jentera PR yang diwakili oleh DAP di Teluk Intan.
2. PAS berusaha membuktikan semangat setia kawan lalu menghantar pimpinan dan petugas parti membantu dengan segala pengorbanan tenaga, masa dan wang ringgit termasuk Datuk Seri Presiden PAS sendiri turut turun membantu. Kami dari Pahang juga memperuntukkan sejumlah wang yang agak besar bagi menghantar tenaga secara shif bertugas di Teluk Intan. Saya yakin negeri - negeri lain juga memberikan komitmen yang tinggi untuk memenangkan PR yang diwakili DAP di Teluk Intan.
3. Kenyataan Gobind seperti langsung tidak menghargai pengorbanan PAS. Sedang kekalahan PR yang diwakili oleh DAP di Teluk Intan turut diratapi oleh PAS.
4. Selayaknya Post Mortem perlu dilakukan. Muhasabah mesti diadakan diperingkat dalaman PR terhadap kekalahan di Teluk Intan. Bukan mengambil sikap menyalahkan satu pihak lain untuk menutup kelemahan sendiri.
5. Hudud yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS tidak patut dijadikan kambing hitam. Kami yakin ada faktor lain yang perlu kepada post mortem. Ketika hudud mula menjadi isu panas di dalam negara, kita menang di Kajang dan kita menang Bukit Gelugor. Kenapa tewas di Teluk Intan lalu hudud di kambing hitamkan ?
6. Malah hudud sedia diperjuangkan oleh PAS sejak sekian lama, kita alami jatuh bangun dan kalah menang sepanjang musim pilihanraya umum atau pilihanraya kecil dalam tempoh itu. Kenapa pula masa menang kita bergembira dikala kalah kita menyalahkan hudud ?

Nasrudin Hassan

Sunday 1 June 2014

Cooling Coil (Evaporator Coil) Basics for Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Systems

Cooling Coil (Evaporator Coil) Basics for Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Systems

Schematic of an air conditioning cooling or evaporating coil (C) Carson Dunlop AssociatesIf your air conditioning or heat pump system has lost its cooling capacity or won't start see REPAIR GUIDE for AIR CONDITIONERS.
See How to determine the cooling capacity of air conditioning equipment if the system seems to be working but is inadequate to cool your building.
Contact us to suggest text changes and additions and, if you wish, to receive online listing and credit for that contribution. Page top photo of an iced-up air conditioning evaporator coil are courtesy Guy Benfante.
The cooling coil or evaporator coil is where building indoor air cooling actually takes place.
The liquid air conditioning refrigerant entering the cooling coil through the metering device (a capillary tube or THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE) is increasingly changed to gas form as it "boils" or evaporates as the liquid refrigerant flows through the cooling or "evaporator" coil, so that at the end of the cooling coil the refrigerant is totally in gaseous form.
This state change (liquid to gas refrigerant) absorbs energy, cooling the tubing and fins of the cooling coil and thus indirectly, cooling and dehumidifying indoor air that is blown across the coil.
A cooling coil which is blocked by debris or ice and frost, or which is damaged can obstruct air flow and reduce air conditioning system output. The air conditioning system evaporator coil and problems include ice and frost build-up, dirt or debris blocking air flow through the coil, and damaged or leaky cooling coils.
We also discuss how cooling coils may be cleaned in-place and what to watch out for during that procedure. Cooling coils which are part of an air conditioning retrofit installation onto an existing warm air heating system can also present special problems of sizing and air flow, discussed further at ADDING A/C: RETROFIT SIZING. Sketch of heat transfer at the inside coil, also called the cooling coil or evaporator coil, courtesy of Carson Dunlop Associates.
If ice, dirt, or damage block air flow across or through the cooling coil (evaporator coil) in an air conditioner, the cool air output will be substantially reduced or may even stop entirely.
Below we describe how the cooling coil works, what goes wrong with this component, and how its problems are diagnosed by simple visual inspection (inside of the air handler) or by some simple temperature measurements.

How To Inspect, Test, & Diagnose Cooling Coil (Evaporator Coil) Air Conditioner or Heat Pump Problems

Damaged fins on an air conditioning coil (C) InspectAPedia.comWhere to look for cooling coil problems:
First, make a visual inspection of the cooling coil. Most air handlers provide an access panel or cover that can be removed to give at least partial view of the cooling coil surfaces.
Turn off electrical power to the system to be safe from electrical shock.
On opening an access cover or panel on the air handler you can recognize the cooling coil from our photos and sketches shown here and elsewhere on this website. You may need to use a flashlight and mirror to see the coil surfaces.
Remember to inspect the cooling coil from the incoming-air side - the side of the coil facing the blower fan assembly. That's because any dirt or debris entering the coil will come principally from this direction. If you inspect the wrong side of the coil it may look perfectly clean even though it is totally blocked by debris on its other surface.
DIRTY COOLING COIL has photos of just how blocked a cooling coil can become in an air conditioner or heat pump.
Here are some common defects to look for at the evaporator coil (cooling coil) in an air conditioner or heat pump:
  • Dirt or debris blocking air flow through the coil (DIRTY COOLING COIL)
  • Ice or frost formation blocking air flow through the coil (FROST BUILD-UP on AIR CONDITIONER COILS)
  • Damaged cooling / evaporator coil fins over more than 10% of the coil surface, blocking air flow (shown in our photo at left in this case, the damage is to a condensing coil, not an evaporator coil). Small areas of damaged cooling fins can be straightened and cleaned-up using a cooling coil comb. Cooling coils with extensive physical damage such as shown in our photograph need to be replaced.
  • Evidence of refrigerant leaks (visual evidence may include stains from refrigerant oil left at the point of leakage) (REFRIGERANT LEAK DETECTION)
  • Evidence of mold growth on organic debris on the coil or elsewhere in the blower compartment (Mold Growth in Air Handlers)
  • Presence of unusual materials on the coil surface such as rodent debris, bird feathers and debris, fiberglass insulation, large trash fragments like paper or leaves confirming a duct or air filter problem. Some of these may indicate potentially serious health risks such as rodent or bird feces and debris which risk bacterial and viral hazards in building air. (Leaks, Rodents In Air Handlers)
  • Obvious coil-to-air-handler size mismatch of an add-on cooling coil onto an existing warm air system (ADDING A/C: RETROFIT SIZING)
  • Evaporator coil or cooling leaks or holes: if an evaporator coil is leaking (or also if the condensing coil is leaking) you'll find out pretty quickly as refrigerant will be lost and the cooling system will stop providing cool air. You'll need expert diagnosis by an HVAC service technician.
    • A lot depends on where the refrigerant leak has occurred and what caused the leak. If the cooling coil has a single point leak caused by some mechanical damage (one of our readers accidentally drilled a hole in his coil while trying to drill a drain hole in his air handler), it may be possible to find the hole and repair it using silver solder.
    • If the refrigerant leak is in copper tubing anywhere in the cooling or heat pump system that is not too close to an evaporator coil or condensing coil, it should be possible to solder a repair, then evacuate and recharge the cooling system.
    • If the refrigerant leak is in copper tubing in or close to the cooling coil (or in a condensing coil) a solder repair is hard to complete because the heat of the soldering process tends to de-solder other nearby connections. It might be possible if the technician is very expert and if s/he knows how to keep nearby surfaces cooled (we've used a wet rag).
    • If the refrigerant leak is in an aluminum part, soldering aluminum is more tricky and may not be feasible. Ordinary procedures using a torch, for example, just melt the aluminum. Expert welders use inert gas welding methods.
    • If the refrigerant leak is due to severe corrosion anywhere in an HVAC system we're not optimistic that a solder repair is possible. The conditions that caused a corrosion-related leak are likely to have thinned and weakened other parts. The cost of an attempted repair may be wasted.
    • Replacement of the cooling coil (or condensing coil) is more often going to be recommended by your HVAC technician because of these difficulties.
Temperature measurements at the cooling coil: see OPERATING TEMPERATURES for a discussion of where and how air temperature measurements are made to diagnose cooling coil or other air conditioner operating problems.
Below we introduce some of the more common air conditioner or heat pump cooling coil or evaporator coil defects and repairs.
Air flow requirements across the air conditioning evaporator coil: if airflow is weak for any reason (dirty coil, duct system defects, blower fan defects, dirty blower squirrel cage fan), the air conditioning system will not operate properly. Some experts write that there should be between 350 and 400 cubic feet of air per minute (CFM) moving across the evaporator (cooling) coil for each ton of air conditioner capacity.
One ton of cooling or heating capacity = 12,000 BTUH so if your AC unit or heat pump is a 24,000 BTUH unit it is a "two ton" unit and needs to see 700 to 800 CFM of air across the evaporator coil.
Some home inspectors and air conditioning service technicians carry a small airflow meter that can actually measure this number with fair accuracy. (The same tool is nice for comparing air flow and balancing air flow at various building supply ducts and registers.

How Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Evaporator Coils (Cooling coils) are Cleaned

Evaporator coil cleaning often requires cutting refrigerant lines, removal of the coil and other components for cleaning, and reinstallation, pulling a vacuum on the refrigerant lines, and recharge with refrigerant. Such service and repair may involve significant expense, although there are some "in place" cleaning methods using foams and sprays that are a simpler procedure. See DIRTY COIL CLEANING PROCEDURES for details of this topic.

FROST BUILD-UP - Frost Build-up on the Evaporator Coil in an Air Conditioner

Photograph of attic air conditioning air handler, condensate drips on floorThe ice or frost formed on a cooling coil in an air conditioner air handler unit is usually caused by an improper refrigerant charge, possibly by inadequate air flow across the cooling coil, or by a thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) or other air conditioner or heat pump control defect.
Ice blocks air flow through the coil, thus reducing air conditioner output; if the ice formation is extreme nearly all of the airflow across the coil is blocked and the air conditioner system runs but does not produce cool air flowing into the occupied space.
Frost and ice can also form on refrigerant tubing at other locations, and frost and ice can form inside air conditioning duct work itself, leading to troublesome leaks into the building.
Details of what causes frost on air conditioning equipment, what problems that creates, and how to diagnose and repair icing or frost on cooling coils or other air conditioner parts are provided at FROST BUILD-UP on AIR CONDITIONER COILS. TThis article explains locations and causes of condensate, frost or ice formation in air conditioning systems, air handlers, compressor/condensers, refrigerant lines, and in air ducts.
Note that frost formation at some cooling coils (not air conditioners or dehumidifiers) may be normal. We discuss frosting and non-frosting cooling coil types and coil defrosting methods further at Frosting vs. Non-Frosting Types of Evaporator Coils

BLOCKED COOLING COIL - Air Conditioner Evaporator Coil Blocked by Debris or Dirt

Photograph of a dirt blocked air conditioning evaporator coilIce is not the only (nor even the most common) cause of blocked air flow in an air conditioner. This photograph shows how easily debris can stick to and clog the inlet side of the cooling coil in an air conditioning system. This evaporator coil was nearly totally blocked with dust and debris. How does this happen?
There was no air filter installed in the system. Ordinary house dust is comprised largely of fabric fibers and skin cells.
These and other debris in building dust such as soot and organic particles like pollen and mold spores all join to form a gray mat on the fins of the cooling coil in an air handler.
Debris sticks particularly quickly to this surface because of the combination of close spacing of the cooling fins (about 1/16" apart) and the fact that condensate forming on the coil keeps the surface damp.
Details about the detection and cleaning of dirt and debris which block an air conditioner cooling coil are at DIRTY COOLING COIL.

Types of Evaporators or Evaporator Coils or Cooling Coils: Dry vs Flooded Evaporator Coil Designs

Evaporator types (C) D FriedmanThere are two types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems: flooded and dry evaporator coils.
Dry Evaporator Coils: in a dry evaporator coil design, all of the refrigerant entering the evaporator coil enters as a vapor (or gas).
In a dry type evaporator coil (or cooling coil) the refrigerant oil travels constantly in the system along with the refrigerant, and some oil is discharged into the condenser. That is, only liquid refrigerant can actually carry oil.
In the evaporator the refrigerant is vaporized and the oil travels through, but the vapor is less capable of actually carrying the oil through the coil.
For the oil to pass through we need refrigerant gas velocity and turbulence in the evaporator coil, so we do not want much pressure drop across the evaporator coil.
Therefore dry evaporator type coils are usually short - to avoid much pressure drop.
Otherwise we get oil traps at the bends in the evaporator coil.
These are the more common type of evaporator coil or cooling coil in refrigeration systems. So, for example, for a small air conditioner that has to be packed into a small space, to keep the evaporator length short the manifold system may used to run several short evaporator loops in parallel - to avoid long individual tubing runs that might cause an ensuing refrigerant pressure drop and oil traps in the system.
[An oil trap will clog or prevent refrigerant flow through the evaporator and thus will prevent the system from working. A symptom might be loss of cooling and high refrigerant pressures on the high side]
Flooded Evaporator Coils: in a flooded evaporator coil design, the evaporator is constantly full of refrigerant, whether the cooling system is "on" or "off". See our cooling coil sketches shown here.

Frosting vs. Non-Frosting Types of Evaporator Coils

Commercial refrigeration system (C) D FriedmanOur sketch (left) shows the basic layout of a commercial refrigeration system. Here we detail the difference between frosting and non-frosting evaporator coils and we explain how frosting-type systems must be defrosted to keep working.

Non-Frosting Evaporator or Cooling Coils - No Defrosting Needed

Dehumidifiers are examples of non-frosting type cooling coil designs. These devices are basically little "air conditioners" or cooling systems in their design (though their warm air output is exhausted directly into the same space). The dehumidifier system is a refrigeration system designed such that the coil will never form ice or frost.
Room air conditioners (portable or window or through wall units) are also examples of non-frosting type cooling coil designs.
These "frost-proof" or non-frosting systems (in normal operation) ar more difficult to charge: you must use a precisely measured charge or a temperature-sensing device and matching gauge with the temperature-sensing device - you find where the liquid ends in the evaporator line - where there is no further change in temperature in the evaporator coil tubing, there is no more liquid refrigerant present.
If you see ice or frost on these cooling coils it's an abnormal condition that needs to be diagnosed and repaired. See our diagnostic advice at FROST BUILD-UP on AIR CONDITIONER COILS

Defrosting Methods for Cooling Coils (Evaporator Coils) in Refrigeration Systems

Frosting Evaporator or Cooling Coils Require a Defrost Cycle

Examples of frosting evaporator coils or cooling coils include refrigerators (or freezers). When more than 1/4 of the surface is ice or frost that condition acts as an insulator that reduces the efficiency of the appliance, so the appliance will have to defrost itself - either automatically or manually.
There are two defrosting methods commonly used in frosting-evaporator coil designs:
Defrost by electrical resistance heating (common on refrigerators, including frost-resistance for door faces and jambs using extra resistance heating elements in those areas too);
Refrigeration system defrost methods (C) D FriedmanDefrost by hot gas: a solenoid in the compressor discharge line shuts [sketch above left] down vapor from the condenser and deposits high pressure/high temperature refrigerant gas directly into the evaporator coil, bypassing the refrigerant metering valve (TEV or cap tube).
The problem with dumping high temperature refrigerant vapor into the cold (iced, needs defrosting) evaporator is that it causes it to begin to condense - back pressure of the gas goes up and head pressure at the condenser goes down - now liquid refrigerant can back up to the compressor (where it would cause damage).
To avoid compressor damage from liquid refrigerant during this defrost cycle we add heat at the end of the evaporator coil (cooling coil) to insure that refrigerant reenters the compressor as a vapor, never as a liquid. Typically, setting a maximum of 20 minutes of defrost cycle adds protection against warming up food in the refrigerator or freezer where this design is used.
The refrigeration compressor continues to run during the defrost cycle in the hot gas method case, but the compressor will not keep running during the defrost cycle in the electrical resistance defrost cycle method.

When is cooling coil frosting abnormal?

Note that on dehumidifiers and air conditioners or heat pumps frost or ice formation on the cooling coil is not normal and is an indication of the need for repairs. See our diagnostic advice at FROST BUILD-UP on AIR CONDITIONER COILS

How cooling coils are changed-out or replaced

When an evaporator coil or cooling coil needs replacement (perhaps because the old one is damaged or leaky):
  • Because replacing a cooling coil or evaporator coil is a lot of work (and costly) first see if the old coil can be preserved. Combs can straighten out damaged cooling coil fins if they are not corroded too badly; and special expoxies are available to seal punched holes - a moderately successful repair attempt. If the coil is leaking due to corrosion, epoxy is probably a waste of time - replace the coil.
  • The new cooling coil must be the same size as the old one it replaces in order to keep the system in balance.
  • A short copper line is connected to the coil (at the factory) - use a wet rag or a flare block as a heat sink to avoid putting excess heat on this copper line (which may be connected to an aluminum coil by epoxy) during soldering the new evaporator coil to the existing refrigerant supply and suction lines.
  • On newer HVAC and refrigeration systems you will usually have to cut out the old coil in place, removing both the coil and the foam poured around it. On older systems there may be screws and an access panel, usually on the freezer side of the coil in that equipment.

possible causes of failure in the air conditioner system

Some of the possible causes of failure in the system are listed in the air conditioner troubleshooting guide below. 

No Cooling Effect
Suction Frost
Low Pressure Switch Cuts-Off
High Pressure Switch Cuts-Off
High Pressure Side Too High
High Pressure Side Too Low
Low Pressure Side Too High
Low Pressure Side Too Low
Both Low Pressure and High Pressure Too High
Both Low Pressure and High Pressure Too Low
High Pressure Too Low and Low Pressure Too High

No Cooling Effect Air Conditioner Troubleshooting 
  • Refrigerant is undercharged
  • Air conditioner unit is under capacity
  • Compressor valve damage or ineffective compression
  • Too much opening or inadequate opening of thermo valve
  • Ineffective contact of sensor bulb of thermo valve
  • Expansion valve not effective
  • Filter drier or strainer is clogged
  • Air filter is clogged
  • Evaporator coil is dirty
  • Fan coil motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Fan motor belt loose or slip
  • Temperature setting of thermostat too high
  • Expansion valve oversized or undersized
  • R.P.M of fan coil blower too low
  • Duct damper is closed
  • Duct resistance too high
  • Supply air short-circuit
Suction Frost Air Conditioner Troubleshooting 
  • Air conditioner unit is over capacity
  • Air filter is clogged
  • Room temperature is too low
  • Evaporator coil is dirty
  • Fan coil motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Fan motor belt loose or slip
  • Temperature setting of thermostat too low
  • R.P.M of fan coil blower too low
  • Duct damper is closed
  • Duct resistance too high
  • Supply air short-circuit
  • Ambient temperature too low
Low Pressure Switch Cuts-Off Air Conditioner Troubleshooting 
  • Fan coil motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Fan motor belt loose or slip
  • Temperature setting of thermostat too low
  • R.P.M of fan coil blower too low
  • Duct damper is closed
  • Duct resistance too high
  • Supply air short-circuit
  • Ambient temperature too low
  • Expansion valve undersized
  • Low pressure switch is not working
  • Refrigerant undercharge
  • Air conditioner unit is over capacity
  • Expansion valve clogged
  • Ineffective expansion valve
  • Air filter is clogged
  • Room temperature is too low
  • Evaporator coil is dirty
High Pressure Switch Cuts-Off 
  • Overcharge of refrigerant
  • Air inside refrigerant circuit
  • Condenser water flow too little
  • Condenser inlet water temperature too high
  • Condenser is dirty
  • Air in condenser water flow
  • Refrigerant discharge valve blocked or closed
  • Condenser water circulating in the reverse direction
  • Condenser coil is very dirty
  • Condenser fan motor is not running
  • Condenser fan motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Poor air circulation of the condenser or air circulation blocked
  • High pressure switch not functioning
  • Condenser water pump malfunction
  • Cooling tower fan not running
  • Condenser water valves closed
  • Cooling tower fan rotates in the reverse direction
High Pressure Side Too High 
  • Overcharge of refrigerant
  • Air inside refrigerant circuit
  • Condenser water flow too little
  • Condenser inlet water temperature too high
  • Condenser is dirty
  • Air in condenser water flow
  • Refrigerant discharge valve blocked or closed
  • Air conditioner unit is under capacity
  • Condenser water circulating in the reverse direction
  • Condenser coil is very dirty
  • Condenser fan motor is not running
  • Condenser fan motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Poor air circulation of the condenser or air circulation blocked
  • Condenser water pump malfunction
  • Cooling tower fan not running
  • Condenser water valves closed
  • Cooling tower fan rotates in the reverse direction
High Pressure Side Too Low 
  • Refrigerant is undercharged
  • Excessive condenser water flow
  • Condenser outlet water temperature too low
  • Air conditioner unit is over capacity
  • Ineffective compression of compresor or valve is damaged
  • Ambient temperature too low
Low Pressure Side Too High 
  • Refrigerant is overcharged
  • Expansion valve is oversized
  • Air conditioner unit is under capacity
  • Excessive opening of thermo valve
  • Ineffective compression of compresor or valve is damaged
  • Ineffective contact of sensor bulb of thermo valve
Low Pressure Side Too Low 
  • Fan coil motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Fan motor belt loose or slip
  • Temperature setting of thermostat too low
  • R.P.M of fan coil blower too low
  • Duct damper is closed
  • Duct resistance too high
  • Supply air short-circuit
  • Expansion valve undersized
  • Refrigerant is undercharged
  • Air conditioner unit is over capacity
  • Not enough opening of thermo valve
  • Expansion valve clogged
  • Ineffective expansion valve
  • Air filter is clogged
  • Room temperature is too low
  • Evaporator coil is dirty
Both Low Pressure and High Pressure Too High 
  • Condenser coil is very dirty
  • Condenser fan motor is not running
  • Condenser fan motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Poor air circulation of the condenser or air circulation blocked
  • Condenser water pump malfunction
  • Cooling tower fan not running
  • Condenser water valves closed
  • Cooling tower fan rotates in the reverse direction
  • Overcharge of refrigerant
  • Air inside refrigerant circuit
  • Condenser water flow too little
  • Condenser inlet water temperature too high
  • Condenser is dirty
  • Air in condenser water flow
  • Air conditioner unit is under capacity
  • Excessive opening of thermo valve
  • Ineffective contact of sensor bulb of thermo valve
  • Condenser water is circulating in the reverse direction
Both Low Pressure and High Pressure Too Low 
  • Fan coil motor is rotating in the reverse direction
  • Fan motor belt loose or slip
  • Temperature setting of thermostat too low
  • R.P.M of fan coil blower too low
  • Duct damper is closed
  • Duct resistance too high
  • Supply air short-circuit
  • Expansion valve undersized
  • Refrigerant is undercharged
  • Air conditioner unit is over capacity
  • Not enough opening of thermo valve
  • Expansion valve clogged
  • Ineffective expansion valve
  • Air filter is clogged
  • Room temperature is too low
  • Evaporator coil is dirty
  • Ambient temperature too low
  • Excessive condenser water flow
  • Condenser outlet water temperature too low
  • Filter drier or strainer is clogged
High Pressure Too Low and Low Pressure Too High 
  • Compressor valve damaged or ineffective compression