Saturday 27 April 2024

10 signs you never really loved each other, according to psychology

1) You never really bonded

The advice here is simple: If you feel that you and your partner didn’t share enough deep and meaningful experiences together, it’s possible that what you had was not love, but a surface-level attachment.

2) The relationship was based on convenience

If you were together because it was easy because they lived nearby or worked in the same place, rather than because you deeply desired to be with them, this could be a sign you never really loved each other.

3) The future seemed vague

if you struggled to picture a shared future or if discussions about the future invariably led to discomfort or arguments, this could be a sign that you never truly loved each other.

4) There were more good times than bad

A relationship that was mostly filled with fun times and hardly any conflicts or challenges might indicate that you were in a state of infatuation rather than true love.

5) You were more in love with the potential

If you were always hoping for your partner to change—their habits, their personality traits, their life goals – and believed that everything would be perfect ‘once they do’, you might have been in love with a potential that may never be realized

6) You didn’t feel safe being yourself

if you found yourself constantly modifying your behavior, hiding your true feelings, or suppressing parts of your personality to keep the peace or to be more appealing to your partner, this could be a sign that real love was missing from your relationship.

7) Your happiness depends on them

In a healthy relationship, happiness comes from within and is complemented by your partner, not dependent on them.

True love allows each person to maintain their individuality and find joy independently. It’s two whole individuals coming together, not two halves trying to complete each other.

8) Your pet didn’t like them

Pets are known to be great judges of character. If your beloved dog or cat never warmed up to your partner, it could be a sign that something was off.

9) You constantly made excuses for them

When we truly love someone, we hold them to a high standard because we believe in their capacity to meet it.

Making constant excuses for your partner’s actions could indicate that you were trying to convince yourself of the relationship’s viability, rather than it being a natural occurrence.

10) Love should feel good

It’s mutual respect, understanding, and a deep connection that makes you feel seen and appreciated for who you are. It’s being with someone who enhances your life and makes you want to be the best version of yourself.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

If a woman uses these 10 phrases, she lacks kindness and empathy for others

1. “I don’t care”

2. “It’s not my problem”

3. “I’m always right”

4. “You’re too sensitive”

5. “I just say it like it is”

6. “Why can’t you just get over it?”

7. “You always…” or “You never…”

8. “That’s just how I am”

9. “It’s just a joke”

10. “I don’t have time for this”

Monday 22 April 2024


Aku copy paste dari fb RATU NAGA. Aku suka baca post dia....


1] Suka membangga diri. Merasa megah dengan diri sendiri. Tak boleh orang lebih dari dia. Kalau ada orang yang lebih dari dia, dia boleh mengata orang tu, dia fitnah orang tu. Dia hasut orang lain benci dekat orang yang dia tak suka tu. Jangan main-main dengan orang macam ini.

2] Dia gilakan perhatian. Sukakan perhatian orang. Dia suka tarik perhatian orang. Dia pandai berlakon. Dia pandai curi perhatian orang.

3] Merasakan diri lebih baik daripada orang lain. Untuk buat dia nampak baik, dia akan burukkan orang lain. Kadang-kadang orang tak perasan sifat dia yang ini. Dia suka kotorkan nama orang untuk nampak dia bersih.

4] Suka orang puji dia. Suka orang ikut cakap dia. Kalau orang tak ikut cakap dia, dia tuduh orang itu sebagai 'mata-mata' atau pengkhianat.

5] Suka puji diri sendiri. Suka claim diri sendiri CANTIK, kacak, baik, pandai dari orang lain.

6] Pandai berlakon dan pandai buat orang percayakan dia.

7] Pentingkan diri sendiri.

8] Apabila dia buat salah, dia tak mengaku itu salah dia. Sebaliknya dia akan kata itu salah orang lain. Jika kesalahan itu diketahui oleh orang lain, dia akan cakap dia jadi macam itu sebab orang lain. Dia tetap akan salahkan orang lain.

9] Suka memandang rendah atau memperlekehkan orang lain

10] Mudah dengki kepada orang dan menganggap orang lain juga dengki padanya.

11] Kurang belas kasihan. Tiada empati terhadap orang lain.

12] Suka ambil kesempatan kat orang lain untuk keuntungan diri dia.

13] Suka menggunakan orang untuk memperoleh perkara yang diinginkan.

14] Tidak boleh menerima pandangan atau kritikan orang lain terhadap diri sendiri.

15] Tidak takut berdusta, dudta tu pekara kecil asalkan matlamat diri tercapai


1] Susah nak dapat kawan. Orang pun tak nak kawan dengan orang yang berakhlak buruk seperti ini.

2] Selalu ada masalah dalam hubungan dengan manusia. Tak kisahlah hubungan dalam rumahtangga, tempat kerja, dengan keluarga ibubapa, adik-beradik, saudara mara atau kawan-kawan. Dengan semua orang dia ada masalah.

3] Hidup tak pernah tenang. Selalu resah dan selalu ada masalah.